
Lee, Robyn (2018). The Ethics and Politics of Breastfeeding: Power, Pleasure, Poetics. University of Toronto Press.

Journal Special Issue:

Cattapan, Alana, Doucet, Andrea, Robyn Lee, Lindsey McKay (Eds.) (2016). Consuming Intimacies: Bodies, Labour, Care, and Social Justice. Studies in Social Justice, 10(2). 

Journal Articles:

Lee, R (2024). Towards a Theory of Reproductive Debt. Feminist Theory.

Lee, R (2023). Art, Affect, and Social Media in the ‘No Dakota Pipeline’ Movement. Theory, Culture, and Society.

Lee, R (2019). Commodifying Compassion: Affective Economies of Human Milk Exchange. International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, 12(2): 92-116.

Lee, R (2019). Queering Lactation: Contributions of Queer Theory to Lactation Support for LGBTQIA2S+ Individuals and Families. Journal of Human Lactation

Lee, Robyn and Mykitiuk, Roxanne. (2018). Surviving Difference: Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals, Intergenerational Justice, and the Future of Human Reproduction. Feminist Theory. 19(2), 205–221.

Lee, Robyn (2018). Breastfeeding and Sexual Difference: Queering Irigaray. Feminist Theory, 19(1): 77-94.

Lee, Robyn (2017). Breastfeeding Bodies: Intimacies at Work. Gender, Work and Organization.

Scott, Dayna, Jennie Haw, & Robyn Lee. (2017). “Wannabe Toxic-Free?”: From Precautionary Consumption to Corporeal Citizenship. Environmental Politics. 26(2): 322-342.

Robyn Lee with Rhacel Salazar Parreñas (2016). Intimate Labour and Social Justice: Engaging with the Work of Rhacel Salazar Parreñas. Studies in Social Justice, 10(2): 284-288.

Andrea Doucet, Robyn Lee, Cattapan, Alana, Lindsey McKay (2016). Introduction to Special Issue: Bodies, Labour, Care, and Social Justice. Studies in Social Justice 10(2): 194-198.

Lee, Robyn. (2016). Feeding the Hungry Other: Levinas, Breastfeeding, and the Politics of Hunger. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. 31(2): 259-274.

Doucet, Andrea & Lee, Robyn. (2014). Fathering, Feminism(s), Gender and Sexualities Theories: Possibilities, Tensions, and New Pathways. Journal of Family Theory and Review. 6(4): 355-373.

Lee, Robyn (2013). Breastmilk Exchange and New Forms of Social Relations. MP: An Online Feminist Journal. 4(1): 36-70.

Lee, Robyn (2012). Breastfeeding and Women’s Agency. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative. 3(2): 93-102.

Book Contributions:

Lee, Robyn (2017). Intimacies and Commodification in Human Milk Exchange: Transforming Families and Kinship. In Albanese, Patrizia & Lorne Tepperman, (Eds.), Reading Sociology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lee, Robyn (2016). Contemporary Transformations in Family and Kinship. In Janet Siltanen and Andrea Doucet, (Eds.), Gender and Intersectionality: Canada and Beyond. Second Revised Edition, Toronto ON: Oxford University Press. 

Lee, Robyn (2014). Breastfeeding and Care of the Self. In Stephanie Paterson, Francesca Scala, and Marlene Sokolon, (Eds.), Fertile Ground: Exploring Reproduction in Canada. Montreal; Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press. pp. 300-324.

Encyclopedia Entries:

Mykitiuk, Roxanne & Lee, Robyn (2015). Reproductive Rights in Affluent Nations. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Lee, Robyn (2016). Contraception and Contraceptives. Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies.

Book Reviews:

Review of Kierkegaard’s Instant: On Beginnings, David Kangas. Symposium. 2009.

Review of Addressing Levinas, Ed. Nelson, Kapust, & Still. Philosophy in Review. 2006. 

Other Research Contributions:

Lee, Robyn and Dayna Nadine Scott. “(Not) Shopping our way to safety”. Canadian Women’s Health Network Magazine. April 30, 2014.

Chakravartty, Dolon and Robyn Lee. “Do you want to know your ‘body burden’? Measuring the chemicals within through biomonitoring”. Canadian Women’s Health Network Magazine. March 3, 2014.

Lee, Robyn. “Ethical Considerations in Reporting Back Biomonitoring Results”. International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Blog. Aug. 26, 2013.